
To install Gundam, you have two choices: (1) build from scratch, or (2) use pip. I recommend method (1), since it will allow easy access to modify or extend the Fortran counting routines. In any case, make sure to fulfill the required Dependencies before installation.

Option 1: Building from source

Just install the required dependencies, clone the Gundam repository and type make

git clone
cd gundam

By default this will compile and build the library in-place. Feel free to modify the Makefile to suit your needs. After compilation, you can optionally install the library in your default global-site packages directory

python install

or in your default user packages directory

python install --user

Option 2: Using pip (not yet functional!)

pip install gundam


  1. Python: 3.5 or later
  2. GCC compiler (Fortran & C)
  3. Numpy, matplotlib, astropy, scipy
  4. munch
  5. pymorton (only needed when playing with Morton ordering, instead of the default “pixel” sorting)

Any of the above can be installed with pip or conda. A few other codes for Morton and Hilbert ordering are also included if you wish to experiment with alternative sorting methods, but are not really needed if you stick with the default sorting scheme).

Gundam has been tested under Anaconda 4.4.0, Python 3.6.1, Numpy 1.12.1 and gcc 7.1.1, running OpenSuse in an Intel platform.