
Projected Space

Output Dictionary (pcf)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dd, counts.rr, counts.wrp, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
rpl,rpm,rpr Left, mid, and right-points of projected bins (in Mpc)
wrp,wrperr Projected correlation function and error
dd DD pair count array in projected and radial bins
rr RR pair count array in projected and radial bins
dr DR pair count array in projected and radial bins
bdd Boostrap DD pair count array in proj. and radial bins
npt,npt1 Nr. of points in data (D) and random sample (R), resp.
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (pccf)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.cd, counts.cr, counts.wrp, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
rpl,rpm,rpr Left, mid, and right-points of projected bins (in Mpc)
wrp,wrperr Projected cross-correlation function and error
cd CD pair count array in projected and radial bins
cr CR pair count array in projected and radial bins
bcd Boostrap CD pair count array in proj. and radial bins
npt,npt1,npt2 Nr. of points in samples D, R, and C, respectively
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (rppiA)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dr, counts.bdr, counts.intpi, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
rpl,rpm,rpr Left, mid, and right-points of projected bins (in Mpc)
dd DD pair count array in projected and radial bins
bdd Boostrap DD pair count array in proj. and radial bins
intpi DD counts integrated along all radial bins
intpib Boostrap DD counts integrated along all radial bins
npt Nr. of points in the sample (D)
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (rppiC)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dr, counts.bdr, counts.intpi, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
rpl,rpm,rpr Left, mid, and right-points of projected bins (in Mpc)
dr DR pair count array in projected and radial bins
bdr Boostrap DR pair count array in proj. and radial bins
intpi DR counts integrated along all radial bins
intpib Boostrap DR counts integrated along all radial bins
npt,npt1 Nr. of points in the samples D and R, respectively
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Redshift Space

Output Dictionary (rcf)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dd, counts.rr, counts.xis, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
sl,sm,sr Left, mid, and right-points of redshift space bins (in Mpc)
xis,xiserr Redshift space correlation function and error
dd DD pair count array in projected and radial bins
rr RR pair count array in projected and radial bins
dr DR pair count array in projected and radial bins
bdd Boostrap DD pair count array in proj. and radial bins
npt,npt1 Nr. of points in data (D) and random sample (R), resp.
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (rccf)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.cd, counts.cr, counts.xis, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
sl,sm,sr Left, mid, and right-points of redshift space bins (in Mpc)
xis,xiserr Redshift space cross-correlation function and error
cd CD pair count array in redshift space bins
cr CR pair count array in redshift space bins
bcd Boostrap CD pair count array in redshift space bins
npt,npt1,npt2 Nr. of points in samples D, R, and C, respectively
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (sA)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dd, counts.bd, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
sl,sm,sr Left, mid, and right-points of redshift space bins (in Mpc)
dd DD pair count array in redshift space bins
bdd Boostrap DD pair count array in redshift space bins
npt Nr. of points in the sample (D)
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (sC)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dr, counts.bdr, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
sl,sm,sr Left, mid, and right-points of redshift space bins (in Mpc)
dr DR pair count array in redshift space bins
bdr Boostrap DR pair count array in redshift space bins
npt,npt1 Nr. of points in the samples D and R, respectively
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Angular Space

Output Dictionary (acf)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dd, counts.rr, counts.wth, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
thl,thm,thr Left, mid, and right-points of anglar bins (in deg)
wth,wtherr Angular correlation function and error
dd DD pair count array in angular bins
rr RR pair count array in angular bins
dr DR pair count array in angular bins
bdd Boostrap DD pair count array in angular bins
npt,npt1 Nr. of points in data (D) and random sample (R), resp.
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (accf)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.cd, counts.cr, counts.wth, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
thl,thm,thr Left, mid, and right-points of angular bins (in Mpc)
wht,wtherr Angular cross-correlation function and error
cd CD pair count array in angular bins
cr CR pair count array in angular bins
bcd Boostrap CD pair count array in angular bins
npt,npt1,npt2 Nr. of points in samples D, R, and C, respectively
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (thA)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dd, counts.bdd, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
thl,thm,thr Left, mid, and right-points of angular bins (deg)
dd DD pair count array in angular bins
bdd Boostrap DD pair count array in angular bins
npt Nr. of points in the sample (D)
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Dictionary (thC)

Dictionary with attribute-style access, containing all counts and correlations accesible by field keys, e.g. counts.dr, counts.bdr, etc. It also stores the log and all input parameters.

Key(s) Description
thl,thm,thr Left, mid, and right-points of angular bins (deg)
dr DR pair count array in angular bins
bdr Boostrap DR pair count array in angular bins
npt,npt1 Nr. of points in the samples D and R, respectively
log Log record of Python routines
logfortran Log record of Fortran routines
par Input parameters + runtime parameters (see xxxx)

Output Files

If write=True the code saves several files named as outfn plus an extension. According to the kind of correlation, these files are named as

File extension Description
.wrp,.xis,.wth Projected, redshift-space and angular correlation, respectively (ASCII)
.dd,.rr,.dr DD, RR, DR pair count arrays, in the corresponding space bins (ASCII)
.cd,.cr CD and CR pair count arrays, in the corresponding space bins (ASCII)
.cnt Pickled file with the counts dictionary object (binary)
.par Input parameters in JSON style dictionary (ASCII)

In order to properly capture log information from Python and Fortran code in different environments, Gundam always generates two log files named as outfn plus an extension as

File extension Description
.log Log record produced by Python routines (ASCII)
.fortran.log Log record produced by Fortran routines (ASCII)

If plot=True, plots of correlation/counts are shown on screen and also saved to disk in pdf format with extensions .wrp.pdf., .xis.pdf, etc.

Additional Runtime Information in Ouput

Some useful information is added to the par dictionary returned within the counts dictionary. These are mostly to keep a record of runtime parameters, such as if the run was parallel, if it wrote ouput files, check the boundaries of the survey, etc.

Key(s) Description
para Wheter to run in parallel or serial, i.e single core
write Write files was requested or not
plot Plot was requested or not
sbound Survey boundaries as a list (ramin,ramax,decmin, decmax,dcmin,dcmax), as returned for example by gundam.bound3d()