
The Gundam package is optimized both for speed and usability. Nevertheless, it is among the fastest codes available. Below you will find some benchmarks (single-thread), comparing run time vs size for various samples of 10^4 to 8x10^6 galaxies extracted from a 60x60 deg^2 light cone build from the Millennium Simulation and the Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution Model (SAGE).

We show here the effect of sorting the data into convenient cells or pixels before counting pairs, and the effect of choosing a good grid size for samples of increasing density.

DD(rp,pi) performance2

Now we compare with one of the fastest publicity available codes (corrfunc)

DD(rp,pi) performance1

And now we compare the performance with n threads running in parallel

DD(rp,pi) performance3

The equipment employed for testing is based in a four core i7-3770K 3.5GHz CPU (L1 cache: 32KB data + 32KB instruction, L2 cache: 256KB, L3 cache: 8MB shared) with 16GB RAM, running with OpenSuse Linux, GNU Fortran 6.1.1 compiler and Python 3.5.2. Compilation was performed with f2py (numpy 1.11.1) with flags {tt march=native -ftree-vectorize}. We required 14 rp bins from 0.01 to 25 Mpc and 40 radial bins from 0 to 40 Mpc.